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Medical Insurance Scoring Methodology

Medical Insurance Scoring Methodology

Evaluation by professional actuaries to help you identify medical products with best coverage
Iris Lun
10Life Co-founder and Chief Actuary
1. Overview

Medical Coverage Score

Average Coverage of Common Medical Cases: Based on the medical expenses of 12 common medical scenarios against the policy provisions.

Special Feature Score

Considering whether the product can protect against medical inflation due to future increase in medical costs, comparing additional features that can improve the overall coverage for the customer, and other import product features and additional coverage.

2. 10Life Score Weighting

3. Assumptions

A non-smoking insured hospitalised in a private hospital in Hong Kong due to specified injury or sickness

Note: Medical insurance premium may differ between male and female.
Insurance premium information is based on current premium tables.  Current premium rates at different ages do not represent future premiums, which may rise significantly due to inflation.

Medical 5-Star Criteria
  • 10Life Score of 9.5 or above
  • Medical plan with Medical Inflation Protection

4. Medical Coverage Score –– Average Coverage of Common Medical Cases

To estimate the medical cost compositions of the different hospitalisation cases, 10Life researched into public information available, including the following sources: 

  • Reference fees and charges listed on the Hong Kong private hospital websites
  • Reference fees and charges from the Hong Kong Hospital Authority Private Service  
  • 2019 HKFI claims statistics 


Case Details


  • Breast Cancer with Mastectomy, Reconstruction, Chemotherapy & Radiotherapy
  • Lung Cancer with Lobectomy
  • Liver Cancer with Surgery and Targeted Therapy
  • Colon Cancer with Surgery and Chemotherapy


  • Anterior Cruciate Ligament Surgery
  • Total Knee Replacement

Vascular Diseases

  • Angioplasty and Stent Placement
  • Stroke
  • Kidney Dialysis

Common Cases

  • Fever Requiring Hospitalisation
  • Hemorrhoid Surgery
  • Colonoscopy (Day Case)

To improve on the accuracy of our estimates, 10Life reached out to the claims department of several major medical insurers to obtain initial estimates of the 12 different cases. We then consulted with medical specialists in Hong Kong to verify the estimates. We also cross referenced the resulting overall costs to the public information where available to ensure reasonableness. Note that these estimates are based on normal circumstances of hospitalization in private hospitals (i.e. assuming no complications other than the listed conditions).


For products with deductibles, the estimated coverage ratios are calculated without considering the deductible amount. As consumers choose a certain deductible in exchange for lower premium, they should be conscious of the resulting expected out-of-pocket shortfall amount. 10Life focusses on comparing coverage based on unexpected events, and the deductible itself does not impact the coverage limits within the product. Therefore, products with deductibles are treated as if they had no deductibles, i.e. the out-of-pocket expenses stated do not include the deductible amount.


The relevant medical expense categories and the relative proportions vary under the 12 cases studied. Using these estimated costs on each case, 10Life actuaries then refer to the benefit limits on each expense category to calculate the estimated coverage amount (to be paid by the insurer) and out of pocket expenses (to be paid by the policyholder). 

Table 1: Estimated Medical Cost of Selected Hospitalisation Cases


Estimated Medical Cost (HKD)

Ward Room

Semi-private Room

Private Room

Breast Cancer with Mastectomy, Reconstruction, Hemotherapy & Radiotherapy




Lung Cancer with Lobectomy of Lungs




Colon Cancer with Surgery & Chemotherapy




Liver Cancer Requiring Surgery & Targeted Therapy




Common Injury - Anterior Cruciate Ligament Surgery




Severe Injury - Total Knee Replacement




Heart Disease - Angioplasty








Kidney Dialysis – Day Case




URTI - Fever Requiting Hospitalisation




Hemorrhoid Surgery




Colonoscopy - Day Case





  1. It should be noted that coverage ratios are based on estimated medical expenses under normal circumstances for illustrating how a policyholder and the insurer would share the incurred medical expenses, and should not be regarded as the actual medical cost. The actual claim payment amount of each case may vary by the actual severity and medical procedures used, as well as the insurer’s claim assessments.
  2. The above information is updated as of 01-01-2025.

The Estimated Coverage Ratio of each of the 12 medical cases is calculated as follows:

Estimated Coverage Ratio = (Estimated Coverage Amount / Estimated Medical Expense Incurred) × 100%

To reflect the relativity of the various cost amounts among the 12 cases, a weighted average based on the estimated medical expense incurred for each case is calculated: 

Weighted Average Coverage Ratio = SUM of [Estimated Coverage Ratio × weight of case]

where weight of each case = Estimated Medical Expense Incurred / (SUM of [Estimated Medical Expense Incurred])

10Life Medical Coverage Score (Out of 10) = Weighted Average Coverage Ratio / 100% × 10

It should be noted that estimated average coverage are based on estimated medical expenses under normal circumstances for illustrating how a policyholder and the insurer would share the incurred medical expenses, and should not be regarded as the actual medical cost. The actual claim payment amount of each case may vary by the actual severity and medical procedures used, as well as the insurer’s claim assessment.

5. Special Feature Score

Special Feature Score covers different types of additional features and special coverage, including (1) factors relating to medical inflation protection, (2) factors relating to additional coverage, (3) factors relating to hassle-free arrangement, and (4) factors relating to wellness and others.

5.1 Factors relating to medical inflation protection

  • No itemised sublimit – i.e. no maximum coverage limits on most individual medical expense categories (subject to the costs being reasonable and customary)
  • High Annual Limit 
    • Ward: ≥ HKD 5,000,000
    • Semi-private: ≥ HKD 8,000,000
    • Private: ≥ HKD 20,000,000
  • No lifetime limit
  • Guaranteed that benefits would not be reduced upon renewal (i.e. all VHIS products)

10Life values whether a medical plan can provide protection against medical inflation, such that medical inflation protection is one of the criteria of 10Life 5-Star Ratings.

10Life definition of “Medical Inflation Protection” is as follows:-

  • No itemised sublimit
  • High Annual Limit
  • No lifetime limit or Guaranteed that benefits would not be reduced upon renewal

5.2 Factors relating to additional coverage

  • Hospital Cash (provided for each day of hospitalization in a private hospital, based on current room class)
  • Hospice / Palliative Care Coverage (HKD 80,000 or above per life)
  • Pregnancy Complications Coverage (HKD 100,000 or above per policy year, or covers no less than 80% of the expense)
  • Experimental Cancer Treatment Coverage
  • Emergency Dental Benefit
  • Short Waiting Period

5.3 Factors relating to hassle-free arrangement

  • Cashless Arrangement
  • Personal Case Management Support
  • Health Hotline
  • Mental Health Hotline
  • Psychiatric Counselling Outpatient Coverage
  • Second Medical Opinion Service
  • International Assistance Service

5.4 Factors relating to Claims-related Features

  • Second Claim Cash Allowance
  • Availability Of No Claim Bonus
  • Availability Of e-Claim

5.5 Factors relating to Wellness and Others

  • Reduction On Deductible On Specific Age Without Re-underwrite
  • Donors Benefits
  • Compassionate Death Benefit
  • Free Body Check Entitlement
  • Deductible Waiver on Designated Critical Illnesses

6. 10Life Medical Insurance 5-Star Rating

5-Star Ratings for medical insurance is based on 10Life Medical Coverage Score and Medical Inflation Protection. 5-Star Ratings are categorised by hospital room levels (Ward Room, Semi-Private Room or Private Room)

To earn a 5-Star Rating, the product must meet the criteria below.

Room Type10Life ScoreMedical Inflation Protection
Ward≥ 9.5
Semi-Private≥ 9.5
Private≥ 9.5


Updated on 6 Jan, 2025


10Life Product Comparison and 10Life Insurance Ratings are developed by 10Life Financial Limited, an authorised insurance broker company licensed with the Insurance Authority under License Number FB1526. 10Life Product Comparison and 10Life Insurance Ratings are developed for generic customer segments using mathematical calculations based on product information, facts and data, and are not influenced by any partnerships with or fees received from insurance companies.

Any information on 10Life Platform ("10Life Information"), including but not limited to Product Comparison, Product Ratings, Blog Articles are intended for general education purpose and reference only. None of the 10Life Information is intended, nor should they be considered or relied upon, as regulated advice, insurance, financial, investment or professional advice, recommendation, approval, endorsement, invitation or solicitation in respect of any insurance, financial or investment products. 10Life Information does not take into account your individual needs. Reading 10Life Information should not be considered as conducting a suitability assessment, and is not sufficient to form the basis of any decisions to purchase any insurance products. You should rely on information authorised by insurance companies, carry out your own research and/or seek independent advice from licensed intermediaries before purchasing any insurance products or making any insurance decisions. While reasonable effort is used when collecting, validating and updating 10Life Information from various channels, none of 10Life Group and its subsidiaries, affiliates, agents, directors, officers and employees will be responsible for any liability, claim or loss arising from or associated with you using 10Life Information. No warranty, representation or guarantee is given by 10Life Group and its subsidiaries on the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the information.

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